• 题目:CGM 第148期: Systematic inference and comparison of multi-scale chromatin sub-compartments connects spatial organization to cell phenotypes
  • 时间:欧洲中部时间 2021年4月8日(星期四)08PM(美国中部时间 4月8日 12PM,北京时间 4月9日 02AM)
  • 主讲人:刘远龙(Yuanlong LIU),2010-2013:中国科学技术大学,概率论与数理统计,理学硕士;2013-2017:法国国家医学健康研究院(巴黎七大),计算基因组学 PhD,导师 Prof. Florence Dememais;2018-至今:计算基因组学 Postdoc, 导师 Prof. Giovanni Ciriello (瑞士洛桑大学), Prof. Elisa Oricchio (瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院)


Chromatin compartmentalization reflects biological activity. However, inference of chromatin sub-compartments and compartment domains from chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) experiments is limited by data resolution. As a result, these have been characterized only in a few cell types and systematic comparisons across multiple tissues and conditions are missing. Here, we present Calder, an algorithmic approach that enables the identification of multi-scale sub-compartments at variable data resolution. Calder allows to infer and compare chromatin sub-compartments and compartment domains in >100 cell lines. Our results reveal sub-compartments enriched for poised chromatin states and undergoing spatial repositioning during lineage differentiation and oncogenic transformation.


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Xiong, K., & Ma, J. (2019). Revealing Hi-C subcompartments by imputing inter-chromosomal chromatin interactions. Nature communications, 10(1), 1-12.



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