• 题目:比较基因组发现线虫控制性选择的新基因家族
  • 时间:2018 年 07 月 11 号(星期三),美西时间(Pacific Time)6:00 PM
  • 地点:YouTube live stream
  • 主讲人:尹达 (Da Yin)(University of Maryland, College Park)

为了揭示生育模式对基因组的影响,我们比较了异交线虫Caenorhabditis nigoni与其自生 育近亲同胞物种C.briggsae的染色体。 C. nigoni的基因组类似于异交亲属,但蛋白质编码 基因比C. briggsae多31%。缺乏C. briggsae同源物基因的C. nigoni基因不成比例地偏小并 且在表达上具有雄性偏向。这些包括雄性分泌的短(mss)基因家族,仅表达在异交物种 中的精子表面糖蛋白。尽管在非竞争性交配中具有正常的生育能力,来自mss-null雄性C. remanei的精子未能与野生型精子竞争。将mss恢复到C. briggsae雄性足以提高精子竞争 力。因此,性对基因组含量具有普遍影响,可用于鉴定精子竞争因子。

To reveal impacts of sexual mode on genome content, we compared chromosome-scale assemblies of the outcrossing nematode Caenorhabditis nigoni to its self-fertile sibling species, C. briggsae. C. nigoni’s genome resembles that of outcrossing relatives but encodes 31% more protein-coding genes than C. briggsae. C. nigoni genes lacking C. briggsae orthologs were disproportionately small and male-biased in expression. These include the male secreted short (mss) gene family, which encodes sperm surface glycoproteins conserved only in outcrossing species. Sperm from mss-null males of outcrossing C. remanei failed to compete with wild-type sperm, despite normal fertility in noncompetitive mating. Restoring mss to C. briggsae males was sufficient to enhance sperm competitiveness. Thus, sex has a pervasive influence on genome content that can be used to identify sperm competition factors.



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